1. MATLAB Basic & Variables

Creating Variables

  • Create a variable called visual_intensity and make it equal to 92. Ensure that the assignment result is not shown on the screen.


  • Create a variable called simple_text and assign it value of “A simple text but in Matlab”.


Using and Displaying Variables

  • Create two variables called num_words and num_sentences and assign them values of 6 and 10, respectively. Compute a new variable long_paragraph as a multiple of num_words and num_sentences. Ensure that none of the variable assignments is outputted to the screen.


  • Display values of num_words and num_sentences on the screen.

Solution 1

Solution 2

  • Create two variables called probability_1 and probability_2 and assign them values of 0.1 and 0.01, respectively. Compute a new variable odds by dividing probability_1 by probability_2. Display odds on the screen by ensuring there is semicolon at the end of the line where you display that result.


  • List all the variables that were generated during current session. How many did you get?


  • Delete variable probability_1.


  • Delete all variable and check that there are none left in the memory.


2. MATLAB Vector & Matrix

3. MATLAB Plot

4. MATLAB Statement

5. MATLAB Reading and Writing files

  • Reading and Writing files Demo:read_writefile_demo.m
  • Reading and Writing files Practice:
    • Create a 3 x 6 matrix of random integers, each in the range from 50 to 100. Write this to a file called randfile.mat. Then, read the file just to make sure that it worked!

6. MATLAB Other useful functions

7. Start Psychtoolbox

8. Present Images and Sound in Psychtoolbox

9. Record Response and Output in Psychtoolbox

10. Some Psychtoolbox demos

  • OldNewRecognition
  • SimpleImageMixingDemo.m
    • ImageMixingTutorial.m
  • AlphaImageDemo.m
    • AlphaImageTutorial.m
  • KbDemo.m
  • KbQueueDemo.m
  • MouseTraceDemo.m
  • ProceduralNoiseDemo.m
  • check error matlab file : practice2_class07.m

11. fMRI Experiment Design

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